ZincMagic Articles

Comparativa entre GALVANOL y el galvanizado por inmersión en caliente.

Comparison between GALVANOL and hot dip galvani...

The comparison between GALVANOL and hot dip galvanizing is based on their specific properties and advantages. Below are some points of comparison: GALVANOL: Composition: Contains 96% zinc in dry layer....

Comparison between GALVANOL and hot dip galvani...

The comparison between GALVANOL and hot dip galvanizing is based on their specific properties and advantages. Below are some points of comparison: GALVANOL: Composition: Contains 96% zinc in dry layer....

¿GALVANOL cumple con la norma ISO 1461 de galvanizado?

Does GALVANOL comply with the ISO 1641 galvaniz...

The ISO 1641 standard establishes the specifications and requirements for the coating of zinc-rich paints applied to hot-dip galvanized steel products. The use of zinc-rich paint, in accordance with this...

Does GALVANOL comply with the ISO 1641 galvaniz...

The ISO 1641 standard establishes the specifications and requirements for the coating of zinc-rich paints applied to hot-dip galvanized steel products. The use of zinc-rich paint, in accordance with this...

Plantas solares fotovoltaicos

Photovoltaic solar plants

In the solar photovoltaic plant industry, zinc-rich paint plays several important roles.

Photovoltaic solar plants

In the solar photovoltaic plant industry, zinc-rich paint plays several important roles.

20 puntos clave sobre la pintura rica en zinc GALVANOL

20 key points about GALVANOL zinc-rich paint

20 key points about GALVANOL zinc-rich paint with 96% zinc content in dry layer

20 key points about GALVANOL zinc-rich paint

20 key points about GALVANOL zinc-rich paint with 96% zinc content in dry layer



Zinc-rich paint plays a crucial role in the marine industry due to the anti-corrosion and protective properties of zinc. Here are several specific uses for zinc-rich paint in the marine...


Zinc-rich paint plays a crucial role in the marine industry due to the anti-corrosion and protective properties of zinc. Here are several specific uses for zinc-rich paint in the marine...

Ventajas de optar por pintura rica en zinc monocomponente: Una alternativa superior a sistemas de pintura convencionales

Advantages of opting for one-component zinc-ric...

Choosing the right coating is essential to ensure the long-term durability and protection of metal surfaces. In this context, single-component zinc-rich paint stands out as a superior option compared to...

Advantages of opting for one-component zinc-ric...

Choosing the right coating is essential to ensure the long-term durability and protection of metal surfaces. In this context, single-component zinc-rich paint stands out as a superior option compared to...